Current Date & Time

San Francisco, CA
Saturday, July 27, 2024

A Rabbi, a Hindu and a Lawyer were traveling together and experienced a miscalculation which landed them, as night fell, in the proverbial middle of nowhere...with only a family farm in sight.
Politely, the three gentlemen knocked at the farmhouse door and explained their predicament to the farmer who, a kind and trusting soul, offered them shelter for the night. "The only problem", said he, "is that I have but two extra beds in the house. This means that one of you must sleep in the barn." Grateful for such hospitality shown to three strangers, each of the weary travelers volunteered for the barn but it was the Rabbi who insisted. And so, while his companions took up lodging in the farmhouse, the Rabbi headed for the barn.

However, about twenty minutes later, there was a knock at the farmhouse door. It was the Rabbi. "Kind sir", said he, addressing the farmer, "I am so sorry...but there is a pig in that barn and my religion forbids me to sleep under the same roof as such an animal." Oh that's OK," the Hindu spoke up, "I'll gladly take your place in the barn and you may have my bed."

And so, everyone settled in for the night...but twenty minutes later there was another knock at the farmhouse door.  It was the Hindu. "Generous sir", said he to the farmer, "There is a cow in that barn and my religion forbids me to sleep under the same roof as such an animal." "Oh that's OK," the Lawyer interrupted, "I'll be happy to take your place in the barn and you may have my bed."

And so, for the third time, everyone in the farmhouse got settled...but there was yet one more knock at the door! 

It was the pig and the cow.
